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Maria Fernanda Lopez Sandoval, Maife
Refuge Iliniza, Ecuador
Southern Tirol, Italy
Tulipe, Ecuador


Ph.D. University of Regensburg, Germany. Cultural Geography (magna cum laude)


“ Licenciatura” in Geography . Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito.

Principal Investigator


"Diagnóstico preliminar de políticas públicas, instituciones y conflictos de interés en el desarrollo y conservación en la Reserva de la Biosfera Podocarpus el Cóndor". PUCE/DGA. 


"Colonización y tenencia de la tierra en la Cuenca Alta del Río Zamora". PUCE/DGA.



"Cambios en la estructura agraria del Ecuador: análisis de los censos 1954,1974  y 2001". PUCE/DGA. 


„Agricultural and Settlement Frontier in the tropical Andes: Patterns of Change in the Páramo Belt of Northern Ecuador 1960-1990”, PhD. Research, University of Regensburg (Germany)



Associated Researcher

2008-2012  FOR816

(German Foundation for Research DFG): Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of a Megadiverse Mountain Ecosystem in Southern Ecuador. Project "Human ecological dimensions in sustainable utilization and conservation of tropical mountain forests: land tenure and land use agreements in the Upper Zamora and upper Nangaritza"  (PI Prof. Dr. P. Pohle, Erlangen )

2007 Proyecto PUCE/DGA

"Base de datos II: generación de metodologías para la elaboración de cartografía estadística utilizando base de datos censales socio económicas a nivel cantonal" (PI  Dr. Nelson Gómez –PUCE-)


"Programa de Investigación ORELLANA",  Institute de la Reserche pour le investigación (IRD), INEC, CEDIG. (PI  Dr.  Michel Portais –IRD-).


"Deforestación y Manejo de Recursos en Noroccidente del Ecuador" (PI Dr. Rodrigo Sierra). Fundación Ecociencia, Quito.

Curriculum Vitae


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I am María Fernanda López Sandoval, geographer from Ecuador. I teach introductory courses to human geography at the Catholic University in Quito (PUCE) and also graduate seminars. My research interests deal with the current conflicts of use and development of tropical rural landscapes, particularly the Andean environments: food production vs. conservation, agrarian development, protected areas, environmental governance. Main concern of my research are human drivers of landscape transformation, land use /land cover change, the political settings, including land tenure. My regional interests are the high Andean landscapes of the humid páramo and the mountain tropical  forest of Upper Amazonas.

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